Could it BE any nicer this weekend? I've been spending some quality time down by Greenlake (Green Lake?) catching some rays. I feel very proud of myself, because two short years ago I was going through a Paranoid Phase where I would not go into the sun. Like, at all. Think barbecue-by-the-pool, everyone-else-is-enjoying-the-sun, and Allison-is-by-herself-under-the-umbrella. Granted, I'm still a little obsessive about putting on sunscreen, but I feel like I've come a long way. Not that I could be considered "tan" by any sense of the word. Maybe "not translucent."A view from where I was sitting yesterday:
I know, I know, you're saying to yourself, "Get a pedicure, Allison." Or you're saying, "Wow. She wasn't kidding about being not tan." Or maybe, "The grass looks pretty weed-ridden." Leave me alone! Just enjoy the scenery.
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