Meet my best friend, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes! (DW, I call her.)
Indeed, good ol' DW is always there for me. I can always count on her to help me clean up my messes and make my day a little brighter. Plus she smells good. And let's not forget CC (Clean-up Cleaner), DW's cousin who is also sitting right by my desk. We're pretty tight, too.
I guess that speaks to what a whack-job I am. But I did mention in my profile that I may have mild OCD, so you shouldn't be too surprised.
Speaking of OCD (and I sincerely hope I'm not offending anyone who truly has it), do you want to know what the highlight of my day was? Long story short, I spent 2 hours this afternoon helping to copy, collate, stuff, and stamp envelopes for a mailer going out from the school where I teach. I'm a huge fan of sorting-slash-organizing things, so this task was like crack. Seriously, by the end of it I had it down robot-style--no energy wasted on frivolous movements. No papers dropped. Not even one paper cut.
I made those mailers my bitch!
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