Monday, July 21

can she bake a cherry pie?

Cherry? No. But she CAN bake a peach pie! Notice the Fancy Schmancy Lattice Top (my first attempt--not as hard as you'd think!). 

I feel like a true homemaker. Recently I've been thinking that I probably should have been born about 80 years ago. Here's why:
1. I love to bake. Bread. Pies. 
2. And cook. Meatloaf. Soup.
3. Currently, I've been spending about an hour a day knitting.
4. I like to wear tasteful dresses and pearls around the house. 

OK, maybe not that last one. But I feel like I would have made an excellent 50's housewife. I found a website that gives helpful reflections for the ideal spouse for that era. Totally doable.
Can't you just see it?
Ahh, those were the good old days. Which is, apparently, debatable. Check out this video
from YouTube, then read the comments that follow. Yeesh. I love when people get all worked up. Let's just bake a pie and get along.

Monday, July 14

Look! I crafted!

Check out the peacock I embroidered!
OK, I'm aware that it's basically the same image as the one I painted on the rock (see my first post), but I'm still proud. Oh yeah, I forgot: I was supposed to be really good at embroidering by now. It's a hobby that I think I could get into, but then I ask myself: "Self, what are you going to do with all this stuff you embroider?" Because right now, this little baby is just sitting in my room, a loose piece of fabric with nothing cute on which to be affixed. 
Any ideas? 

Thursday, July 10

amphibious vehicles rock!

Yesterday I went on another field trip with the kiddos from school. We Rode The Ducks
It was pretty fun, in a tourist-y sort of way. Most of the kids I was with had been hundreds of times before, but it was my first time. Here are some things to remember if you ever decide to go.
1. Buy a quacker. It's a duck-call noisemaker. I know, you think it sounds 
like it would be annoying. But it's only annoying if you don't have one of your own. One of those if-you-can't-beat-'em, join-'em things.
2. Warm up your vocal chords. You'll be expected to sing along to some really cheesy music. Think YMCA and Walk Like an Egyptian.
3. Stretch beforehand. You'll also be expected to dance (please see above songs).
4. Leave your inhibitions at home. So what if you spot someone you know walking by on the sidewalk? So what if the locals sneer at you? Soon enough you'll get over it and be waving at people like crazy. (Side note: On the bus ride home, I still felt compelled to get people to wave back at us. I had to remind myself that this is only appropriate whilst riding the ducks.)
You'll also see some pretty cool sights of Seattle. Such as:

Gasworks Park

The Skyline from Lake Union

I highly recommend going with a group of kids, because the other ducks that I saw, filled with adults and teenagers, didn't look like they were having nearly as much fun. 
Sadly, the true highlight for me was the cute guy that was working there. We shared a special moment when he asked me what group we were from, and we rolled eyes at each other over the din of quackers and he told me (a bit sarcastically) to have fun. I'm pretty sure we're getting married.

Wednesday, July 9


So I just discovered this website last night (thanks to my ultra-hip sister!) called What is this craziness, you might ask? Well, let me tell you. It's a place where you can go write reviews of stuff. Restaurants, bars, stores, etc. Sort of like what I've been doing on this blog. Except the people on there are way funnier than I am. Seriously, I spent a good 2 hours last night browsing, and another 2 this morning. I am officially obsessed.
Thus far I have:
a. Created an account
b. Written 5 reviews
c. Gotten some good compliments! You can flag other people's reviews as helpful, funny, or cool. I'm sitting at 3 helpful, 3 funny, and 5 cool. Yesss! People DO like me! I AM funny! (Molly, I'll be pissed if you were the only one who responded!)
Who has two thumbs and is going to be yelp!ing like crazy? This girl!