Sunday, December 21

the water cycle

As Sissy and I frolicked in the snow at Green Lake the other day, I reached another level of understanding about the water cycle.

Anyone who knows me knows about my beef with Condensation (shudder). I never thought I would despise any form of water more than those pesky droplets that seem to pop up at the most inconvenient time. But ladies and gentlemen, I give you my SECOND least favorite part of the water cycle...

Vile substance! Ruining otherwise beautiful snow. Staining my oh-so-classy Ugg boots. Seeping up the legs of my (mostly) clean jeans. Collecting dirty street water. Ick! Ick! Ick! 

But once I was able to quench the rage that boiled within me and tore my eyes from the cesspool at my feet, I was able to enjoy the scenery. And what better way to enjoy the scenery than to add your own personal touch to it, in the form of a snow angel? That's what I thought too. 
Here's the conversation that preceded this picture:

Sissy: I dare you to do a snow angel!
Alli: thanks.
Sissy (sounding hopeful): Do you dare me to do a snow angel?

Well, I'm not one to be showed up, so we both did them. 

Ahh, to be 6 again. Before it was frowned upon for adults to whitewash each other. Before I didn't mind getting soaking wet from playing in the snow. Before the stupid water cycle became apparent in my everyday life...

Sunday, December 7

secret santa surprise!

Yesterday I opened the mailbox to find a package addressed to *me*! I ripped it open and found these two adorable pendants inside, straight from my favorites list. The only problem was, I hadn't placed an order from them. Curious...

Don't worry, I didn't commit theft. My friends and I do a secret santa gift exchange every year, and whoever drew my name must have had the items sent directly to my doorstep. Best friend EVAR (even though I still don't know her identity)!

Seriously, you have to check out their shop, HomeStudio. The specialize in pendants made out of Scrabble tiles with the letter on one side and a glossy image on the other. There's a crazy selection of designs--flowers! birds! patterns! vespas! phrases! and all of them so stinkin' cute! I was going to post pictures of more of my favorites, but there are too gosh-darn many. Go there! Go there now!

Thursday, December 4

going once...going twice...

I don't know if you knew this, but I'm quite a catch. This was no news to me, so in an effort to harness that power, I put myself up for auction to raise money for a worthy cause (The Arthritis Foundation). Yes, indeed, one lucky person would be the recipient of two and a half hours of time with moi! And if that wasn't enough sugar, I also agreed to throw in a home-made pie to sweeten the deal. 

Alright, let me back up a step. I signed up to do the Jingle Bell Run with a team of fellow yelpers, and we decided to try and be the top fund-raising team. People were throwing all kinds of ideas out there--bake sales, karaoke night, etc. Then someone suggested a date auction, and I jumped all over that scheme. At first I offered to do a combination bake-a-cake, then jump-out-of-it prize, but was asked to tone it down. 

The worst part of the experience was having to write a review of myself. How to convey what a catch I am without sounding conceited? It took me several hours (two minutes) late at night (during my lunch break) to perfect this masterpiece

Clearly my words of wisdom paid off. Rather than having no one bid on me, as I'd feared, there apparently was a bit of a bidding war going on over Miss FancyPeacock! I ended up being the 'prize' that raked in the most money--$150! If anyone ever told you it doesn't feel good to have a price attached to you, they were LYING! Because as the bids went up, so did my self esteem.


There was no live bidding, as my drawing would suggest. Instead this event all took place via the Internets, where those interested would privately place their bid to the man in charge. I have yet to go on this 'date,' but will fill in all the deets after it happens, have no fear! And while it might be too late for YOU to bid on me, feel free to donate to the cause anyway!

Monday, December 1

the oh-snap!-ple cup

Yeah yeah, I know it's a little belated, but can we just talk about the Apple Cup for a minute? I'm a Coug fan to the core, and I did some serious trash-talking the weeks before the big game against the Huskies. Even wore my WSU sweatshirt to school the day before to make sure everyone knew where my loyalties lied. (laid? I'm good at grammar) Anyway, even though I was excited for the game I wasn't so sure they were actually going to pull it off. 

Despite my worries, I hopped on the good ol' public transit an hour before the game and headed to lovely Georgetown, where a group of my friends were gathering to watch the game at the Marco Polo. It was quite a harrowing experience involving all kinds of odors from people of all walks of life, natch. I'm not going to lie to you and say that my own pits were dry when I stepped off the bus, but I made it there in one pi
ece at least.

Let me tell you a little bit about the Marco Polo. It made good first impressions, with a marquee that was pro-Cougs and a sea of Crimson upon entering. Decor was pretty sparse, probably because they'd spent all their budget on a real-live Nascar to put in the corner (well worth it, if you ask me)! Somehow my friends had managed to snag the only table with its own built-in fireplace, and we cuddled up with some plush footballs (purchased at Bartell's) to do some major rah-rah-ing.

The bartender/waiters were right on top of things, and within 2 minutes of sitting down I had already Tapped The Rockies and was sipping a $2 pint of Coors Light. Then, after only another 2 minutes, a basket o' bacon was randomly dropped off at our table. Were we about to ask questions? No. And as if things couldn't get any better, my team wasn't even losing yet! (They weren't ahead, either, but that's besides the point.)

At halftime, after our bacon appetizer, we ordered Cougar Gold Cheeseburgers, made with cheese from Pullman's infamous Ferdinand's Dairy. I asked for jo-jo's with mine, but apparently it was my lucky day because they accidentally brought their house fries--crinkle-cut fries--instead. And then brought the jo-jo's too. Man, did I get my fill of starch. I may have eaten my weight in their fry sauce too. Each table had its very own bottle of the stuff. Dangerous.

So, ya. The Cougs trailed til the 4th quarter, then miraculously tied it up at the last minute. Then, my new best friend--the UW kicker--totally missed some clutch field goals and we WON in double overtime. Oh, SNAP!

Pictured above: My interpretation of the Glory that is the Marco Polo. And yes, I *am* doing The Sprinkler.