Sunday, December 7

secret santa surprise!

Yesterday I opened the mailbox to find a package addressed to *me*! I ripped it open and found these two adorable pendants inside, straight from my favorites list. The only problem was, I hadn't placed an order from them. Curious...

Don't worry, I didn't commit theft. My friends and I do a secret santa gift exchange every year, and whoever drew my name must have had the items sent directly to my doorstep. Best friend EVAR (even though I still don't know her identity)!

Seriously, you have to check out their shop, HomeStudio. The specialize in pendants made out of Scrabble tiles with the letter on one side and a glossy image on the other. There's a crazy selection of designs--flowers! birds! patterns! vespas! phrases! and all of them so stinkin' cute! I was going to post pictures of more of my favorites, but there are too gosh-darn many. Go there! Go there now!

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