For reasons that would require a whole different blog entry, I went last week for the first time. It was a lovely evening, and my companion and I took a nice long walk down California and did some browsing. I've been to art walks in other neighborhoods, like Ballard and Greenwood, but this one was exceptionally cool. The art was amazing, and all the people were so friendly! Plus some places had snacks and wine laid out, equally as artfully as the pieces on display. (As I've said before, I'd eat a piece of bark smothered in pond scum if it was presented in an appealing manner!)
Featured in my own sad attempt at artwork today is a clipping from a postcard I picked up along the way. The art was by Diane Culhane and was some of the coolest I saw.
Good job, West Seattle. It was well worth the drive from Seattle Proper. (Note to self: next Second Thursday, go with a companion who doesn't give me The Tights.)
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