Cousin and I braved the possibility of rain on Saturday evening for the opportunity to listen to some live music, sample some local beers, people-watch some unique individuals, appreciate fine German culture, and apparently (though no one warned me of this in advance), run into ex-boyfriends.
So, here's the scoop: You show up, pay $20, get a miniature plastic mug (stein) and some tokens, and are let loose among hundreds of other young Seattleites who love them some beers (biers). You can purchase some sausages (wurst) or Ye Olde Kettle Korn and listen to traditional German musicians like Justin Timberlake and Chingy.
There are around four different tents with beers you can sample. Make sure you also bring your patience, because the lines can get a little longish, and since the mugs are so mini, you're better off getting straight back in line as soon as you get your pour. (But that's how I usually roll anyway!)
Please allow me to digress for a moment to coin a new term:
thirstynoyed |thur.sti.noid| adj. the feeling of irritation caused by extreme thirst
(see also)
hangry |hain.gree| adj. the feeling of irritation caused by extreme hunger
(see also)
hypothermad |hi.poh.thur.mad| adj. feeling of irritation caused by extreme cold
Thank you. More on Day 2 of the Oktoberfest experience later.
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