Monday, April 20

the peacockerator

EMP = exceptionally melodramatic princess?
EMP = eloquently marching peacock?

SFM = single female monkey?
SFM = seventeen fantastic meatloaves?
SFM = science fiction museum!

And here in Seattle, you can get them both *at the same venue*, all for the low low price of nothing. When you go on the first Thursday of every month, that is.

I did just that a few weeks ago. I'd been to the EMP way back in my high school days but didn't really take the time to appreciate it, so I was excited to go back as a real live, real mature adult. Alas, I didn't factor in the free factor, which meant that every other cheapskate in the city would be there as well. With their babies. In strollers.

Still, it was kind of fun to mill around. The best part is where they have the "Sound Lab" where you can practice playing real instruments and get tutorials from the computer. It's like Rock Band, except you actually have to play the instrument "correctly" rather than just hitting buttons. So naturally I was exceptionally good at it. Ha.

The new feature was the Science Fiction Museum downstairs, and believe it or not this was my favorite part. This coming from a girl who's read maybe four sci fi books in her life and has never seen Star Wars, Star Trek, or any other such nerdery. But I learned a lot, that's for sure.

Like, I'm not the only person who's obsessed with robots. At least cute, cartoony ones. There was a whole ROOM full of miniatures there. It brought me right back to the days when I loved The Jetsons and wanted a Rosie for my very own. All of these robots had names too! Which made me think, if I were a robot, what would my name be? The Peacockerator, methinks.

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